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Contact: Manager Han
Tel:+0086 153 8402 0670
Add:Room 607, Deya jinzuo, Linping street, Yuhang District, Hangzhou China
Where should the winch be fixed when in use
Source:China Kaitaer Official Website Release date:2024-11-09
The winch must be fixed with a ground anchor during use to prevent sliding or tilting during operation. The winch should be fixed on a sturdy and flat ground, and the working area should be spacious and bright. The operator should be able to observe the lifting of heavy objects at all times.
The installation location of the winch must have unobstructed drainage and a work shed must be erected around it; The installation position of the winch should allow the operator to clearly see the commanding personnel and the lifted or dragged objects. The horizontal distance from the winch to the installation position of the component should be greater than the installation height of the component, that is, when the component is lifted to the installation position, the operator's line of sight angle should be less than 45 °; A guide pulley should be installed directly in front of the winch. The distance from the guide pulley to the axis of the drum should not be less than 15 times the width of the drum, i.e. the inclination angle α should not be greater than 2 ° for slotted drums. For non slotted drums, it should be greater than 20 times the width of the drum to avoid excessive wear between the steel wire rope and the groove edge of the guide pulley; The direction of the steel wire rope winding into the drum should be perpendicular to the axis of the drum, and the allowable deviation of its verticality is 6 °. This can make the steel wire rope coils arranged neatly, avoiding diagonal winding and mutual overlapping and squeezing.
The fixed position of the winch is directly related to its working condition, so it should be operated according to the requirements to ensure the safe use of the winch.
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